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Revival Suppers Presents Gathered

About the Club

This club is about exchange, exploration, and finding community that; like you, wants to make delicious food that centers thoughtfulness. In this club I’m going to walk you through the ways that I’m thinking about food. From braising with floral teas to stretching a single serving of an ingredient into a complete meal for two.

My hope is to help you explore these ideas while strengthening your ability to trust your own food-tuition, taste, and creativity.


I view intuitive cooking as a tool that gives us access to more. It flips overconsumption and perfection on their silly little heads. It can be this magical portal into abundance that starts with the way you view your food, but then expands into the ways you move through the world. In its most refined sense it's a denial of our society's thoughts on wealth; and a nod to centuries old survival tactics that were born from knowledge, understanding, and reciprocity– not just need. This is about honoring our past to make our future possible.

With every meal we cook without the use of rigid recipes, we strengthen our food intuition. We lean a little further into the vibration of flavor. We reroute our understanding of metrics, and create our own language to describe the amount we decide to add in –this time, for reasons both known and unknown. Cooking can be agency affirming, meditative, a gift, love offering, a universal way of communicating so many things with no words at all. Beyond learning methods to make food taste great with no recipe, the gift of intuitive cooking is freedom. It’s also confidence, and a more responsible way of consuming, sharing, and indulging. 

What do I get?

Subscription Includes:

  • Access to my exclusive cooking show!

  • Intuitive cooking community 

  • Recipes, reflections, and occasional fashion advice… 

  • First access to cookbooks & merchandise

Fish don’t fry in the kitchen, beans don’t burn on the took a whole lotta trrryin just to get up that hill
— The jeffersons